Discover the incredible world of the things you love most, but all at a discount!
Download the app and start taking advantage of the quantity and quality of advantages that only Clube Gazeta offers: more than 1000 establishments, mostly in Greater Curitiba, at your fingertips with irresistible offers.
The things you like – at a discount!
Our app is your personal guide to exploring the diversity and richness of experiences your region has to offer, all with the benefit of exclusive discounts. You have the freedom to choose from a variety of restaurants, cafes, bars, cinemas, fashion stores, services and much more.
To avoid missing your trip, just go in the right time!
Plan your outings based on the app's personalized recommendations and discover new places that suit your lifestyle.
Popularity on the rise!
Take a basic look at reviews from other users and detailed information about each establishment, to help you make the best decisions about programs, places, times...
Your magnet for good things!
The maps and GPS function makes it easy to find deals near you.
Discover and spread what you like most!
Stay up to date with local events and cultural activities, and share your experiences with the Clube Gazeta community.
Enjoy the community!
Take advantage of tips from other members and contribute your own reviews.
And it only gets better!
We are always committed to improving and expanding Clube Gazeta, bringing new features that enrich your moments and choices.
Join us and make every day a celebration of the things you love.
Want to know more? Visit our website:
Gazette Club. The things you like club. With discount.
Download now and start enjoying it.